I've heard about blog give aways but I've never taken part or hosted one although I've thought about it before but never really been sure what to give away! Then, suddenly about half an hour ago while my daughter was busy snoozing on me I realised that I DO have something to give away - my books!
So! I've decided to give away free copies of my first collection of poetry and prose - Some of Her Parts. The book will be in e-book format so should be ok for laptops, ipads, iphones and e-book readers etc. Feel free to check out the reviews for Some of Her Parts on my website: !
If you fancy the idea of having a free book of poetry and prose to dip into and enjoy this weekend, click on the link below and download yourself a free copy using this voucher code:
Your coupon code is GX33N (not case-sensitive)
Here is the link:
I hope you enjoy the book, and please leave a review if you have time, I would greatly appreciate it and would love to read feedback from readers.